Brandon writes and records stories about Texas and México.

3.14 - The Great Escape

3.14 - The Great Escape

Episode 14 - Artist Unknown, The Granger Collection, New York. Image available on the Internet and included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C Section 107..jpg

How prickly pears brought the four old expeditionaries together. How they gorged on the nasty little fruits. And how they embarked on the first leg of their great pilgrimage that would carry them across the continent over the next eighteen months.

Pages: f34v-f36r in Zamora (1542) Edition as published by Adorno and Pautz (1999).

Cover art: "Estéban." The Granger Collection, New York. Image available on the Internet, viewed on 12 May 2020.

3.15 - Tests of Faith

3.15 - Tests of Faith

3.13 - The Utility of Belief

3.13 - The Utility of Belief