Brandon writes and records stories about Texas and México.

3.13 - The Utility of Belief

3.13 - The Utility of Belief

Episode 13 - Claustro de Santo Domingo (Wikicommons).jpg

How Cabeza de Vaca was separated from Castillo, Dorantes, and Estevan. How his status decreased with his utility in the new landscape of South Texas. And what he did to survive this most difficult year.

Pages: f34r-34v in Zamora (1542) Edition as published by Adorno and Pautz (1999). 

Cover art: "Claustro de Santo Domingo," by unknown, presumed burial location of Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Wikicommons, Public Domain.

3.14 - The Great Escape

3.14 - The Great Escape

3.12 - The Great Tunal

3.12 - The Great Tunal