Brandon writes and records stories about Texas and México.

3.15 - Tests of Faith

3.15 - Tests of Faith

Episode 15 - Fig 6-2b_MA1_VV584 fire_I.jpg

How the four castaways became medicine men. How they performed their "cures." And how a burning bush showed Cabeza de Vaca the course he needed to follow.

Pages: f36r-37r in Zamora (1542) Edition as published by Adorno and Pautz (1999).

Cover art: Illustration by Carolyn E. Boyd, Courtesy Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center, taken from The White Shaman Mural: An Enduring Creation Narrative in the Rock Art of the Lower Pecos. University of Texas Press, Austin (2016), fig 6-2.

3.16 - Signs and Wonders

3.16 - Signs and Wonders

3.14 - The Great Escape

3.14 - The Great Escape