Brandon writes and records stories about Texas and México.

3.24 - The "Ideal" Conquest

3.24 - The "Ideal" Conquest

Episode 24 - Conquista Diego Rivera Mural.jpg

How the four expeditionaries translated their gospel into terms their Native American followers might understand. How the four expeditionaries then translated the Native American worldview into terms Castilians might understand. How they became apostles from the Indians. How they advocated for the full humanity of Native Americans. And how they failed.

Pages: f60v-63v in Zamora (1542) Edition as published by Adorno and Pautz (1999). 

Cover Art: "Historia de México a través de los siglos," 1929-35. By Diego Rivera, Palacio Nacional de México.

3.25 - The Gospel of Cabeza de Vaca

3.25 - The Gospel of Cabeza de Vaca

3.23 - Four Horsemen

3.23 - Four Horsemen