Brandon writes and records stories about Texas and México.

3.19 - The Inexplicable Turn

3.19 - The Inexplicable Turn

Episode 19 - DeGrazia ChildrenOfTheSun.jpg

How the four expeditionaries came to within a few weeks’ march of the Rio de las Palmas, their goal for the last seven years. How they turned away from their goal. And how it becomes apparent that the spiritual movement they were "leading" wasn't really about them.
Pages: f46v-f48v in Zamora (1542) Edition as published by Adorno and Pautz (1999).

Cover art: "Children of the Sun" by Ettore “Ted” DeGrazia, Courtesy of DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun, DeGrazia Foundation, Tucson, Arizona. All Rights Reserved.

3.20 - All Things to All People

3.20 - All Things to All People

3.18 - The First American Ponzi Scheme

3.18 - The First American Ponzi Scheme